Temperature - the degree of heat. In cooking the temperature is generally measured in degrees Fahrenheit, expressed as °F. Boiling water is 212°F. Simmering water 185°F, Tepid water 80°F. Click here for temperature measurement conversions.
Tepid - The temperature of mixture of two parts of cold water to one part of boiling water, about 80°F. |
Thickening - mean making sauces or gravy less liquid. Generally, liquids are thickened with cornstarch. Start by bringing liquid (seasoning) to boil. In a bowl, dilute cornstarch with cold water. Pour the mixture into the boiling liquid and simmer for 3 to 4 minutes or until the liquid reaches the desired thickness. |
Vegetarian - A person who does not consume animal flesh or, in some cases, any animal byproducts. There are several types of vegetarians. Vegans do not eat any animal-derivative foods including butter, cheese, eggs and milk. Ovo-lacto vegetarians allow such animal-related foods, but do not eat meat. Some vegetarians will eat fish and/or poultry, but no red meat. The custom may be based on a variety of personal principles, including religion, ethics, health and economics. |