Chinese food need never be a once-a-week-restaurant treat again!
Free mouth watering Chinese recipes, easy to follow & cook, Chinese cooking is simply rewarding!
Biting a clove can relief toothache. Chewing it removes bad breath.
Next time somebody at home have diarrhea, try this effective formula at home - one teaspoon of ginger juice mixed with a pinch of salt.
To remove onion smell on your hands, you can use toothpaste, lemon juice or vinegar.
Don't worry about the ugly yellow stains on your fingers when peeling off the skin of fresh turmeric root. To remove them, just rub your fingers with the seeds of cucumber and then rinse off with water.
Eat a little rice, bread, sugar or sweets to soothe the burning sensation in the mouth after eating chilies. This works better than water!
Rub your fingers thoroughly with the bottom of a stainless steel spoon under running water after chopping raw garlic and then wash your hands with soap to remove the odor just like magic!
Strong odors on your hands after preparing fish can be removed by lightly wetting your hands and then rubbing baking soda all over the hands. Rinse with water and the smell disappears!
To remove the odor of onion from the hands, rub them with lemon juice or vinegar.
Use rubber gloves when cutting fresh or dried chilies and hot peppers. They protect skin from chili’s painful sting and improve your grip.
Preparing onions can be a teary business as the result of sulfurous contents released which is irritating to the eyes. Here are a few hints to help reduce the tears:
Use a very sharp knife and keep your face as far away from the onion as possible, by standing up while cutting it, for example.
Cool the onion for 1 hour in the refrigerator or 15 minutes in the freezer before cutting it, to reduce the effect of the enzyme.
Wear something over the eyes such as goggles or eyeglasses to avoid direct contact with the irritating substance.
Cut the onion under a stream of cold water; this dissolves the irritating molecules.
Keep your kitchen counters clean with diluted bleach or disinfectant before and after meal preparation.
Wash your hands before and after preparing food! This is one of the most inexpensive ways to prevent disease and food poisoning.
To put out a fat fire, throw baking soda on the fire. Do not use water!
To get rid of cooking odors in your house, prepare potpourri using an assortment of spices such as cinnamon sticks, cloves, whole allspice, and some citrus peel. Place these I a small amount of water and cook the ingredients over low heat. Replenish water as it evaporates.
Cure for headaches: Take a lime, cut it in half and rub it on your forehead. The throbbing will go away.
Dissolve a handful of table salt in a basin of water and leave it overnight in a newly painted room. The smell of the paint will be fade away considerably the next day!