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How to make Soybean Milk

Serves 4


  • 1 cup soybeans, soaked in water overnight, then drained
  • 3 to 4 cups water
  • Flavoring of your choice (sugar, cocoa, coffee, etc.)


  1. Grind soybeans in blender, adding a little bit of water. Mix until the beans are reduced to fine pulp. Add remaining water. Pour into a cheesecloth-lined colander which has been placed over a bowl. Wrap the cheesecloth over the bean pulp and extract all the milk by squeezing and wringing.
  2. Pour the milk into saucepan and bring to a boil. Serve hot or cold, flavored with sugar and cocoa or coffee.

How to Produce Regular Bean Sprouts

Bean Sprouts

Mung beans, which are grown mainly in China and India , are green when young and reddish-black when mature. To produce sprouts, the beans are placed in warm water and set in a shady spot until the beans have doubles in size. They are then transferred onto clean sand which has been evenly spread in a tub. The beans are covered with straw, and the tub is placed in a dark place where the temperature is kept between 80°F and 85°F. The beans are removed when the sprouts have grown to a length of 2 inches.

Canned bean sprouts are good convenience item to keep on your pantry shelves, but the flavor of fresh sprouts is incomparably better. If you cannot find them on sale, you can easily grow you own.

How to Produce Soybean Sprouts

Soybean sprouts grow considerably longer than regular bean sprouts, up to 2 - 3 inches. Cover soybeans with water and soak overnight. Drain and place the soaked beans in a colander. Cover the beans with a towel or other cloth. The beans should be kept in the colander and the be watered 4 to 5 times daily. The watering may be done through the towel or other cloth covering the beans and the water should be allow to drain through the colander. Continue this for 3 to 5 days. The bean sprouts will grow to 2 to 3 inches in length. The roots of these soybean sprouts are extremely long and should always be cut off before cooking the sprouts.

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