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How to Choose, Store and Deseed a Watermelon

Choosing the flawless watermelon

  1. First, look the watermelon over, selecting one that is firm and symmetrical, free from bruises, cuts and dents.
  2. Make sure that the watermelon is heavy for its size, bearing in mind that watermelon is made up of 92 percent water.
  3. Turn it over; there should be a creamy yellow spot on the watermelon where it sat on the ground to ripen.
  4. If you prefer to buy a piece of cut melon, choose one with a bright color and firm-looking flesh. Don’t buy it if it looks mealy or water-soaked.

Storing watermelon

  1. Before cutting the watermelon, be sure to wash it gently with cool water and detergent, then dry with paper towels.
  2. For longer life, store uncut watermelon at room temperature. It should stay fresh-tasting and sweet for up to two weeks, if it is kept at around 15 degree C. In hotter temperatures, try to consume within a week.

3. If you have any leftover cut melon (keep pieces large), store it in an airtight container or wrap loosely with plastic, at about 3 degree C. Use within two days. After two days at freezing point, watermelons develop an off-flavor, become pitted and lose color.

4. Watermelon is highly sensitive to ethylene gas, a natural component in apples, bananas and tomatoes. To increase shelf life, keep watermelon separated from these types of produce.

5. Do not freeze a watermelon whole. Freezing will cause rind to break down.

De-seeding a watermelon

  1. By learning how to de-seed a watermelon in this easy way, you can prepare diced chunks for snacks, salads, canapés, salsas, drinks.
  2. Cut watermelon in half, then in quarters.
  3. Cut through the flesh of the melon along the seed line with a paring knife. Now, lift off the piece of melon you have just cut.
  4. Using a fork, scrape the seeds from the piece you have just removed and the remaining flesh on the rind will be seedless.



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