Chinese food need never be a once-a-week-restaurant treat again!
Free mouth watering Chinese recipes, easy to follow & cook, Chinese cooking is simply rewarding!
1 tbsp calcium hydroxide/carbide ( you can find it from Chinese herbal medicine store, tell the storekeeper that it is for making 'tofu fa')
Soak the beans over night with another 4 cups of water
Use that soaked and drained bean and 12 cups water to make soy milk by food processor.
Reserve one cup of soy milk and bring the rest to boil, add sugar and stir well
Combine the corn meal, calcium hydroxide and the one cup of soy milk into a 5 litre 'Corning glass' pot or other lager and good insulation pot, stir well
Pour the boiling soy milk into that pot, cover and rest for about 45 mins at room temperature until set (don't move the pot after you pour in the hot milk)